
Sanctions for Failure to Submit Annual Reports in Estonia
As of February 1, 2023, the Estonian Commercial Registry Act came into effect, introducing several changes and updates to the legislation that concern formal aspects of legal entities, reporting, and [...]

New Requirements for the Share Capital and Equity of Estonian Private Limited Companies
The new Estonian Commercial Registry Act that came into effect in February 2023 brought about changes to the Estonian Commercial Code and the Bankruptcy Act as well. The main purpose [...]

What a Good Accountant Wishes Their Clients Knew
We asked our accountants what they would like their clients to know based on 15 years of experience. What would help accountants perform their job even better, which in turn [...]

In 2022, Wisecounter Celebrated 15 Years in Business
In September 2022, Wisecounter marked 15 years since its establishment. Wisecounter was born out of the founders' desire to have an excellent overview of financial matters in their other businesses. [...]

Consistent Effort is Required for Sustainable Business Growth
Many people discuss leadership and teamwork, but observations show that getting a single answer to the question of what leadership or teamwork is remains elusive. When people board an airplane [...]